Rep. Schiff: Republicans Mentioning Left-Wing Calls for Violence Is a ‘Cop Out’

‘No one sets the tone in the country more than the president of the United States’


JANSING: "So what do you think congressman when we hear from Republicans, as we have over the last 24 hours, that there is plenty of blame to go around?"
SCHIFF: "I think it's a cop out. But it's a cop out that we see frequently, the kind of what about; what about this and what about that, when there are legitimate charges against the president. Look, no one sets the tone in the country more than the president of the United States. And yes, the president's harsh tone and bitter divisiveness prompt a reaction and that's to be expected. But there is no escaping responsibility at the Oval Office for a lot of the vile that we see throughout the country. Certainly, everyone can do a better job, but that is no excuse for what we see in the commander-in-chief, no excuse in for what we see from someone who is supposed to be bringing the country together.” 

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