Justice Kagan: ‘Incredibly Important’ for the Court to ‘Guard’ It’s ‘Reputation’ of ‘Being Fair’ and ‘Impartial’

Sotomayor: ‘We’re eight justices, eight justices that we have to rise above partisanship in our personal relationships’


KAGAN: "It’s an incredibly important thing for the court to guard, is this reputation of being fair, of being impartial, of being neutral, and of not being simply an extension of the terribly polarized political process and environment that we live in. And, you know, this is a --"
SOTOMAYOR: "Now we’re eight justices, eight justices that we have to rise above partisanship in our personal relationships. That we have to treat each other with respect and dignity and with a sense of amicablity that the rest of the world often doesn’t share."

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