Clinton: Yes, ‘Democracy Is in Crisis Under Trump

‘Will you compare our situation right now in some ways to Watergate’ ‘Uh huh’


COLBERT: "Secretary of state, secretary of state new York senator, first lady, author of seven books, and you are here tonight because the paperback release of your seventh book, “What happened ?” And you left out one of the words."
CLINTON: "Or two."
COLBERT: "Or two. Two words. She can’t say on CBS. Now, you got — there is an afterword in here, there is a new afterword here and it is democracy in crisis."
COLBERT: "Under trump."
COLBERT: "Is that a Nancy way of saying I told you so? Because you would be allowed. You would be allowed to say that I told you so."
CLINTON: "I really want people to take it seriously, regardless of who you voted for, whether you even voted and think about why our democracy is in crisis, and I don’t use the word lightly. I really regret using the word, because I wish it weren’t the case, but what we have seen in the last months in so many ways is degrading the rule of law, de Deval Patrick legitimizing our election, attacking your favorite subject, truth and reason, spreading corruption, undermining our national unity, each alone is a threat, but you put it altogether and it really is a crisis to who we are as a nation."
COLBERT: "Will you compare our situation right now in some ways to Watergate."
CLINTON: "Uh-huh."
COLBERT: "And you know that of which you speak because you were a lawyer working for, was this the Judiciary Committee."
COLBERT: "Judiciary Committee there and you are right there in 1974 bringing the impeachment charges against president Nixon in the judiciary Committee room at the us capitol, what are the similarities between Donald Trump and Richard Nixon? Richard Nixon because very accomplished politician."
CLINTON: "Yes, in disbeliefs."
>> And he did."
COLBERT: "And a veteran of the pacific war. He had many accomplishments to be proud of.
CLINTON: "Yes. And did a lot of good things as president, you know, started the environmental protection agency, something that people might not know or remember."
COLBERT: "Lowered the voting age."
CLINTON: "Yes, lowered the voting age."
COLBERT: "Could never be nominated as a Republican, maybe not even a deputy point.
CLINTON: "You are probably right about that, but, you know, he had a real obsession with trying to go after his opponents and trying to, you know, really consolidate his power and he had people around him in the White House who enabled that and he got himself into real trouble, and I don’t think we can make a comparison yet because there was a very thorough investigation of president Nixon at the time that I was part of, and it drew conclusions so that even Republican members in the Congress understood that they had to take action, and we are not at that point yet with this president."

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