Tammy Bruce on Booker: If Cory Booker Was Serious He Would Have Stood Up Against the Circus in the Room
BRUCE: "They weren’t confidential. They everywhere approved for release. He knew that situation. What’s interesting is and funny it took so long to find them because usually spartacus found by everyone suddenly not so in front of everyone. The irony any here he clearly was performing for part of the base saying I’m your champion. Also normally you don’t call yourself spartacus. Other people are supposed to call you that there he was performing and same thing he learned were not true and misrepresenting. That’s why for both parties there are individuals now, you see people the approval rating of Congress so low because they are tired of the fraud of what they a lot of talk, no real delivery being misrepresented and lied to in some instances so this appeal to the far left part of the base was actually more of what all of us do not like and this, I think is, a lesson for all of us. It certainly back fired. I don’t think his base is going to like it because we missed an opportunity to really do ask serious questions in the charade and the circus that the Democrats created."