Pastor Jeffress: ‘Absolutely’ Evangelicals Will Be More Motivated in 2018 Midterms to Support Trump Because of Kavanaugh

‘He is a judge who will interpret the law by what the Constitution actually says instead of by what liberals wish it said’


JEFFRESS: "Absolutely. I think they will be more motivated in the 2018 midterms to continue to support this president. And look, Rachel, you’re right. Exit polls from 2016 show that the primary reason evangelicals voted for President Trump by the widest margin of any candidate in history is because of his commitment to a conservative judiciary. He’s fulfilling that promise beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations. Look, this is why the courts are so important to evangelical Christians. All of the recent assaults against the issues we believe in dearly, like the right to life and the right to religious liberties, these attacks haven’t come from the executive or legislative branches, they’ve come from the judicial branch. Activist judges have been involved in the campaign to create imaginary rights for some Americans at the expense of real rights of other Americans. For example, removing prayer and bible reading from the schools in 1962 and ‘63, that was based on an imaginary right that people ought to be free from offense from religious expression. There’s no right in the Constitution for that. But there is a very real right for the freedom of religious expression and that’s why people are excited about judge Kavanaugh. He is a judge who will interpret the law by what the Constitution actually says instead of by what lib wish it said."

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