Russell Brand Gets Irritated After Being Confronted About His Wealth
LOL! Commie moron Russell Brand FREAKS OUT when confronted by reporter about HIS wealth! (The Right Scoop)
Russell Brand, scummy idiot leader of other scummy idiots, is all angry that a U.S. company is trying to make profit from its own property, so they’re demanding London’s mayor force a company to lose money. When a reporter pointed out that it was kinda hypocritical since Brand living in London also brings up property values, he got very angry and irrational. Well, moreso than usual.
Now, it doesn’t matter that Brand is hurting the poor by his very presence because he’s a liberal commie idiot, that’s why! Exactly the same reason that other liberal entertainment idiots can have a huge carbon footprint while advocating that everyone else live in the stone age.