Jeff Flake: ‘Let’s Put the President’s Executive Calendar on Hold, Judges, Nominees’

‘You hate to have to go there’


FLAKE: "Let’s not move forward on more judges and more of the president’s executive calendar until we fulfill our constitutional obligation, until we at least register our opinion on tariffs for example, and let people know where we are and let the president know where we are. I think a lot of us are tired of saying we’ll only take something up if the president agrees with it."
FLAKE: "Like on immigration reform. We’ll only take it up if he says he’s going to sign it. Well, he said he wasn’t going to sign Russia’s sanctions but we passed it anyway, 98-2. He found a way to like it."
FLAKE: "That’s our role as the Article I branch. And so I think if — if all we can do is to say let’s put the president’s executive calendar on hold, judges, nominees for other appointments on hold until we can actually vote on some of these things."

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