Sykes: ‘If You Criticize Donald Trump, That’s Political Suicide,’ the Soul of the Party Is ‘in Deep Storage’

‘You can be associated with alt-right bigots and survive and win the primary’

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SYKES: "Here we’re at a moment where every week or so Trump as the president takes somebody out and hangs them from a lamp post and says, 'Okay, who wants to be the next critic? What other Republican wants to break with MAGA?' I think we have Martha Roby forced into a runoff. You’ve ended Mark Sanford’s political career. Jeff Flake is on the way out the door. A lot of Republicans are looking around and going, 'Okay, I’m not going to criticize the President.' Right now, think about what it means to be a president — what it means to be a Republican in a primary. You can be a birther. You can be associated with alt-right bigots and survive and win the primary. But if you criticize Donald Trump, that’s political suicide and that is the dynamic right now in the Republican Party.”

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