Kimmel: Trump Has No Time to Read Memos, He Has Wife-Beaters to Defend
KIMMEL: "The president had a very trumpy weekend. After giving two very little thumbs up to the nunes memo the Republicans cooked up to try to cast doubt on the Russia investigation the president refused to release the democratic rebuttal memo. Even though trump made the nunes memo public against the wishes of the FBI and department of justice. The White House now says they can’t release the counter memo written by Democrats because of, quote, national security concerns. Does he realize he is our national security concern? But this memo — I think I know why he doesn’t want to release it. It’s ten pages long. So trump told them to send it back in the proper form, which is one paragraph read to him aloud by two hooters waitresses carrying three orders of hot wings. Listen, ten pages. The president can’t spend all day poring over memos. He’s got wife beaters to defend on Twitter. Okay?"
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