Clarence Thomas on Monument Controversy: Growing up, We Were More Worried About ‘Being Able to Eat’
‘Today, we think everything has to be one size fits all and people can’t have opinions that make us uncomfortable’
THOMAS: "Well, when you think of my grandparents, these were people who had been through quite a bit and had a calmness and contentment about life. They understood putting things in context. What was important priorities. What battle will you fight today? What decisions are you going to make. What decisions you make today result you being able to eat. Long-term, these two boys they were raising will be educated and have good manners and go to school and be polite to the neighbors. Today, we think everything has to be one size fits all and people can't have opinions that make us uncomfortable or ideas that make us uncomfortable or we don't agree with. They would not tolerate that."
Video files (10)

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas: I’m Not Surprised Things Are Still So Rancorous in the U.S.
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas: My Grandfather Used to Say ‘Old Man Can’t Is Dead and I Helped Bury Him’
Views: 126
Purchases: 0

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas on Monuments Being Taken Down in the Past: We Had All Sorts of Other Problems
Views: 4
Purchases: 0

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas on Being Left out of the African-American Museum: I Did Not Really Think About It
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas on Confirmation Hearing: I Don’t Think Anyone Would Choose To Go Through Unpleasantness
Views: 4
Purchases: 1

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas: ‘You Don’t Justify the Outcome, You Reason to the Outcome’
Views: 2
Purchases: 1

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas: The Supreme Court Is a ‘Good Place to Work’
Views: 1
Purchases: 0

11/02/2017: Justice Thomas: Justice Gorsuch Is a Good Man
Views: 3
Purchases: 0
Audio files (2)