CNN’s Tapper: People in Power Like to Hide Things from the Public
‘We called it out under President Obama, and now it is empirically worse’
TAPPER: "President Trump shares literally nothing about who is coming to see him. President Obama golfed quite a bit, as does President Trump, but the Obama house would tell the public when he was hitting the links and with whom. This White House, for whatever reason, keeps that information private. Even the White House briefings are shorter with more non-answers, and a new trend of not allowing cameras or even audio recordings of what your White House is saying on any given day. People in power like to hide things from the public.We called it out under President Obama, and now it is empirically worse. Whether it's about tax reform or legislation, all of it."
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03/12/2018: GOP Rep. Tom Rooney Calls out CNN’s Erin Burnett for Misreporting About Report on Russia Collusion (clip) (clip)
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03/12/2018: GOP Rep. Tom Rooney Calls out CNN’s Erin Burnett for Misreporting About Report on Russia Collusion (clip)
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03/12/2018: GOP Rep. Tom Rooney Calls out CNN’s Erin Burnett for Misreporting About Report on Russia Collusion (clip) (clip)
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03/12/2018: GOP Rep. Tom Rooney Calls out CNN’s Erin Burnett for Misreporting About Report on Russia Collusion (clip)
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