Spicer: If Iran Isn’t Abiding by the Nuke Deal, Trump Will Take ‘Appropriate Action’
‘They got a lot of cash under the Obama Administration for this deal and we need to make sure they live up to their end of the bargain’
SPICER: "Well, we've got -- we are conducting that interagency review and the president directed that team to make sure that they are going through that agreement, going through the reports to make sure that Iran is doing exactly as it said. And then, if not, he is going to take appropriate action."
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04/26/2017: Spicer: If Iran Isn’t Abiding by the Nuke Deal, Trump Will Take ‘Appropriate Action’
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04/26/2017: Spicer: Meeting with Senators Today Is to Make Sure They Know What Steps Trump’s Taking Against N. Korea
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04/26/2017: Spicer: We’re Making Sure Folks Who Were Hit Hard Under Obama Will Get ‘Much Needed Relief’
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