Conway: Trump ‘Has Made Good on So Many Promises’ on Prosperity in the First 100 Days
‘This is a continuation of that really reducing the burden’
CONWAY: "The President has made very clear that he would like the corporate tax rate reduced because after all that’s how you stimulate economic growth and job creation. If you reduce the tax burden on your job creators it stands to reason that they'll unleash investment and they're able to attract and retain American workforce. He has made good on so many promises with respect to prosperity in his first 100 days. This is a continuation of that really reducing the burden on middle class taxpayers and also making sure our job creators have the tools that they need to be able to expand and stay here in this country."
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04/21/2017: Krauthammer: Dems ‘Not Negotiating in Good Faith’; ‘They Want a Shutdown’ Because Trump Will Be Blamed
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04/21/2017: Krauthammer: Dems ‘Not Negotiating in Good Faith’; ‘They Want a Shutdown’ Because Trump Will Be Blamed
Views: 26
Purchases: 1
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