Trump: ‘Era of Economic Surrender’ Is Over

‘We have surrendered as a country’

TRUMP: "That’s not just a slogan, it’s a promise, believe me. That’s a promise. The era of economic surrender has come to an end. Has come to an end. We have surrendered as a country to outside interests. The era of economic victory for our country has just begun. You’ll see. No longer will we listen to those failed consultants who’ve made one wrong prediction after another, delivering nothing but soaring trade deficits and a big fat shrinking workforce. For decades now, we watched as our factories are shuttered. Almost a 70,000 factories, our jobs have stalled and blue-collar wages have declined. We've seen the economic pain inflicted on our fellow Americans in Pittsburgh and Detroit and Baltimore. We didn’t just off shored jobs, we offered a big part of the American dream. We enriched foreign countries at the expense of our own country, the great United States of America. But those days are over." 

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