Trump Trashes TPP, Paris Climate Accords: The Era of Economic Surrender Is Over

‘The previous administration, they like wind mills’


TRUMP: “We're reversing decades of calamitous trade policies that let other countries to pillage our jobs, plunder our factories and devastate Ohio communities and communities in every state. The era of economic surrender is over. (Cheers and applause) When you look at what they have done to your jobs over a period of time, NAFTA was one of the worst deals ever made and probably the worst deal. You still have empty buildings, empty factories, but now they're getting filled up pretty fast or being knocked down for brand new ones. We have hundreds of new companies pouring into the United States. My first week in office, I withdrew the United States from one of the last administration's worst sellouts. It would have destroyed our automobile industry, it would have destroyed manufacturing in this country, and maybe that's what President Obama meant when he said you can’t produce manufacturing jobs anymore in the United States, because he would have signed Trans-Pacific Partnership and he would have been right. I killed it.”

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