Former New Hampshire GOP Chair on Stephen Miller: ‘Perhaps He Is Delusional’
‘Perhaps He Is Delusional’: Former NH GOP Chair on Stephen Miller Claiming Illegal Voters Were Bused In (Mediaite)
Following White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller’s Sunday show appearances where he doubled down on President Donald Trump’s claim that thousands were bused into New Hampshire to illegally vote, a New Hampshire GOP leader slammed Miller, calling his “delusional” on Twitter.
Former NH GOP chair Fergus Cullen, who has also offered a $1000 reward to anyone who can show proof that a single voter took a bus into the state to cast an illegal vote, appeared on CNN this afternoon to discuss the Trump Administration’s insistence that widespread voter fraud took place this past election.
Asked by host Brooke Baldwin if he’s had any takers on his money offer, Cullen noted nobody has come forward with evidence.
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