Noah: Trump’s Travel Ban Got Shutdown Just Like One of His Casinos

‘He took for granted the fact he’s not a f*(bleep) king’


NOAH: “Let’s turn now to the continuing saga that is the travel ban, aka the Muslim ban, aka ‘it’s not a ban but it is a ban.’ Ten days ago when his excellency the Donald of Trump commanded by the executive order the banishment of all nationals of certain countries, he took for granted the fact he’s not a f*(bleep) king.”
[clip starts] 
REPORTER: “On Friday a federal judge blocked the travel ban reopening entry to people from the seven affected countries.” 
ROBART: “I find that a temporary restraining order isn’t in the public interest.” 
[clip ends]
NOAH: “Damn, Trump just got shot down like he was one of his own casinos. That hurts. Actually, when you think about it, Trump is a lot like the Knicks — he’s from New York, he’s orange and always finds a way to lose on the court. Always. I don’t know how. The only difference, I like the Knicks. Did you just say that ain’t right? (Laughs)

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