Kerry: Obama’s Made It Very Clear to Putin that Hacking Is’ Unacceptable’ and ‘Dangerous’

‘It also needs to be said that many countries are engaged in this kind of behavior’


KERRY: "Well I think President Obama sent the message and made it very, very clear how totally unacceptable and dangerous this kind of behavior is. The president, I know personally, because I was there, engaged President Putin on this, face to face, and has subsequently taken measures to express the concern of the American people about this kind of activity. Now, it also needs to be said that many countries are engaged in this kind of behavior, and it’s a constant back and forth. We entered into an agreement with China a year ago where President Xi and President Obama arrived at a set of norms of understandings of how big countries and important countries should behave with respect to cyber activity, and that’s had an impact with respect to China and the U.S.."

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