Juan Williams on Dems Rejecting Election Results: They Look Like ‘Hypocrites’


WALLACE: "One, as you remember, at that time, Democrats were outraged at Donald Trump's response. But aren't they engaged, as Karl suggested, in exactly that now, refusing to accept the results of the election and trying to undercut the legitimacy as Donald Trump as our next president." 
WILLIAMS: "There is no question, Democrats run the risk of looking like hypocrites given what happened to that expertly moderated debate in October." 
WALLACE: "It was pretty good."
WILLIAMS: "But in fairness, at the time, what was on the table was the idea of voter fraud. And it was being pushed by Republicans and trump, oh, there is so much voter fraud from the country, that the race could be tossed to Hillary Clinton illegitimately and he would win the popular vote and be denied -- all of this. That is what he was responded to. Now we're dealing with something else, which is Russian interference in the democratic process and tilting the election and the news coverage against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump. ..."

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