CNN’s Zakaria: It Remains Unclear Whether America Was Ready for Obama’s Vision

‘The most dramatic bet he made was health care — He spent the first few years of his presidency and all his political capital on passing it’

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"But on the whole, many of his policies will be under pressure and could be rolled back entirely. How did this happen? When looking back at presidents like Johnson or FDR, it's clear that to sustain a long legacy, you need not just to get elected president but to forge a political coalition. Johnson and Roosevelt had congressional majorities that lasted. Obama is an intensely charismatic politician, but he was not able to build a political base underneath him. In fact, during his eight years, the Democratic Party has suffered a historic series of defeats at the state and national levels, putting them in the worst position they've been in since the 1920s. Was that Obama's failure? A lack of political skill, perhaps, though it is equally likely that the currents were stronger than one person could shift. In recent years, America has gone through enormous economic, technological, political and cultural changes and some parts of the country, there has been a backlash to that change and to an African-American president. It remains unclear whether the country was ready for Obama's vision. The most dramatic bet he made was health care. He spent the first few years of his presidency and all his political capital on passing it, and I would argue even if Trump finds a way to repeal and replace it, remains a historic achievement. Obama did what seven presidents failed to do. He made health care a fundamental right. It is the signature achievement of a consequential president."

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