Greg Abbott: ‘Insanity’ Obama Admin Will Not Safeguard Us from People from Terror Nations
ABBOTT: "But -- but here is the deal, and that is the probability is or at least the predictability is that when refugees come in from terrorist-based nations, there’s a higher probability something like this could happen. There’s only a few of them. Like Somalia, like Syria, like Yemen, like Iraq. Another example that occurred earlier this year, there was a refugee who came into the United States into Texas to Houston Texas, and he’s the one who was arrested earlier this year for plotting to blow up a huge mall inspect Houston, Texas."
DOOCY: "Oh! Yeah."
ABBOTT: "Listen, this is something we can figure out. This is something we should be on top of. It is insanity that the United States of America will not safeguard our people by bringing in people from terrorist-sponsored nations."