NY Dem Touts ‘Free Colonoscopies’ as Part of Message to Appeal to Working Class Americans

‘This is an opportunity for us to communicate across the country that the progressive wins that have happened across the country, have happened because of the democratic leadership’

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BLAKE: "This is an opportunity for us to communicate across the country that the progressive wins that have happened across the country, have happened because of the democratic leadership. Look at the fight for raising minimum wage, able to do here in New York, raising to $15 happened under democratic leadership and move in that way. Talking about gay narg. Obviously, happened under democratic leadership. Components of ACA staying on their parents plans, free colonoscopies. This happened under our responsibility. It’s our responsibility make sure what’s happening on the ground. You see that 20% of African-American American men deciding not to vote, we have to make sure we’re communicating. Here’s what’s as stake, nationally and locally."

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