Border Patrol Whistleblower: ‘The Cartels Run the Border Down Here’

‘If they have a thousand bodies for us, as fast as they can bring us bodies, we pick them up as fast and we push them all into this parking lot’


VECKEY: "They've had us take the jackets from breastfeeding women in 30, 40, 50 degree weather, whatever. They're shivering. They come from Ecuador. They come from equatorial regions of the world. It rains here in the wintertime. A lot of people don't know that, but it rains. And they'll be sleeping in the puddles. You know, you see it every day. Every day. These women from Central America, they will be clinging. They'll hold their babies. They've got no strength left. And they're holding on to these children with every little bit just while they're talking to us. And they're so despondent. And we're despondent. We're wrecked. We're wrecked. It's 100 degrees at midnight. And we're wrecked. And management, nowhere to be found. I've not seen middle management down there. I personally haven't seen middle management down there one time. If you come in and shake the tree, you'll find bad fruit. There's stuff going on here. We stopped deterring. We completely surrendered the border. The cartels run the border down here."

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