‘Morning Joe’: Rubio Super PAC Compares Marco to Harry Potter, Trump to Voldemort

‘It might remind people of how youthful he is’


BRZEZINSKI: “So when you’re talking about raising money, you also, you look at the message, and how you do that. Here’s fundraising message from a pro-Marco Rubio Super PAC and it made the following comparison. Rubio is the youthful boy, wizard Harry Potter and Donald Trump is Voldemort. In a letter sent to donors yesterday, the Conservative Solutions PAC challenged the notion that Trump is unstoppable. Their reasoning, Trump has a claim to one-third of the Republican vote but that share will not grow as the GOP field shrinks. And once the field does shrink, the remaining voters coalesce around Rubio who will then beat Trump. And so the memo compares Trump to Voldemort and the other remaining GOP candidates are — what are those things? Horcruxes?”
SCARBOROUGH: “Horcruxes.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Objects that preserve the immortality of Voldemort until they’re destroyed one by one. The memo did include the following caveat, note, we are not calling Donald Trump evil.” (Laughter) [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: “Come on! You’re calling Darth Vader and — Harry Potter equivalent of — I can tell you —“
BRZEZINSKI: “Well, I don’t know what’s worse?” [crosstalk]
CONFESSORE: “Who is Hillary Clinton in this cosmo —“ [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: “I’ve got to say Voldemort was a far more frightening character to my children than Darth Vader.” (Laughter)
BRZEZINSKI: “But don’t — don’t compare him to Harry Potter.”
SCARBOROUGH: “No, not to a boy wizard. I don’t think that’s — I don’t think that’s very good.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Just thinking it — it might remind people of how youthful he is. Richard Haass, thank you so much.”

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