Scarborough: ‘Autocrat’ Trump Will Go After CEOs, Jail People and Put TV Stations off the Air

‘Yeah, the threats to democracy are real’


SCARBOROUGH: “So, yeah, the threats to democracy are real. But the threats to the free market, the threats to free enterprise, to our economy, I mean, Andrew Ross Sorkin, obvious, this is a guy who, as we have said, who’s talking about being an autocrat. And not just talking about going after political enemies but going after people, CEOs that don't agree with his policies, a guy that’s talking about actually moving all the power in, moving the power of the Fed into his hands, moving the power of the FEC into his hands — FCC, moving the power of what TV networks are on air, what TV networks are off the air, deciding who goes to jail — he said it — and who doesn’t go to jail. Really, I would think any Fortune 500 CEO would be like, 'I cannot deal with all the question marks that would be hanging over this guy over the next four years.'"

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