Rep. Jake Auchincloss: ‘Donald Trump Is Putin Fan Boy’
‘Of course, the Russians want guy like that’
HUNT: “Very briefly, sir, we heard from Vladimir Putin, actually, earlier this morning who says that he is supporting Kamala Harris. It was something that he said in Russian, and we translated. Do you believe that?”
AUCHINCLOSS: “No. I think it's classic, sort of, double speak and disinformation. It's very clear that the Russians have always thought that Donald Trump would be more amenable to their ends because Donald Trump is a Putin fan boy. He always has been, and he's said that. I mean, in 2018 in Helsinki, he sat -- stood next to Putin and said I trust this guy more than I trust my own intelligence agencies. Of course, the Russians want a guy like that. He's going to be a stooge for them.”
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