Green: Ex-Goldman Sachs Partner Calls Clinton’s Wall St. Speeches ‘Goldman Handcuffs’
BRZEZINSKI: “Joining us from Washington, senior national correspondent for ‘Bloomberg Businessweek’ John Green. Senior political columnist for the ‘National Journal,’ Ron Fournier. And here on set, author and columnist for the New York Daily News, Mike Lupica. Robert Costa is still with us from Columbia, South Carolina as well. Josh, we’ll start with, you golden handcuffs?” (Laughter)
GREEN: “Yes. Well, we did a Bloomberg news story yesterday, talked to some rich Wall Street bankers, and one of them an ex Goldman Sachs partner said that they actually have a nickname for Hillary Clinton, the fact she’s given so many speeches, made so much money, they refer to it as Hillary’s Goldman handcuffs, which is obviously a reference to Golden handcuffs. And I tweeted that yesterday and liberal Twitter, sort of, went wild. Because, I think it really resonates and gets at that lurking fear that Democratic voters have that maybe Clinton is too close to these Wall Street banks.”