Trump: The Downward Revision of Almost a Million Jobs ‘Was Absolutely a Fraud’

‘They ought to investigate themselves’


TRUMP: "No, I think it was fraud. 818,000 jobs. Do you know what that is? Almost a million jobs. They said they had them and they didn’t have them. And I was surprised, too, because I see their job numbers. Everyone knows the economy is lousy. I see their job numbers. I was surprised. It was a fraud. That was absolutely a fraud. They ought to investigate themselves. And by the way, nothing will happen. But the Bureau of Labor Statistics came out with a revision because somebody leaked it. And when they leaked it, they had to come out and give the real numbers. They found almost a million jobs that they said they created. That means  their numbers looked better, but now their numbers are horrible. The economy is bad, inflation is killing this country, the border is ruining the fabric of our country.”

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