Gov. Moore Addresses the Death of Rachel Morin: ‘She Should Still Be Here’

‘We have an immigration policy that needed to have been dealt with and was not’


MOORE: “My heart is broken for the Morin family, as is our entire state. She should still be here. And the sheriff is absolutely right. I mean, we have an immigration policy that needed to have been dealt with, and was not. And the consequences then fall on us, as the chief executives of our states. The consequences fall on us as the leaders of our individualized jurisdictions. And — and we know that we have got to fix a broken immigration policy. And we know that we need Congress to act on this. And this is why this was so unbelievably frustrating that, when you have a coalition that is a bipartisan coalition of both Democrats and Republicans that get literally right up to the line to be able to get a deal done, that because you had a — you had President Trump who said this was not advantageous politically, that the deal was killed. There is an unbelievable frustration. And this is what people don’t like about politics. We have got to get this deal done. And we need Congress to act on it.”

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