Jim Carrey Gives Bizarre Speech on Relevance of Winning an Acting Award

‘And I could stop this — this terrible search — for what I know ultimately won’t fulfill me’

"Thank you. I am two-time Golden Globe winner, Jim Carrey. You know, when I go to sleep at night, I'm not just a guy going to sleep. I'm two-time Golden Globe winner Jim Carrey going to get some well-needed shut eye. And when I dream, I don't just dream any old dream. No, sir. I dream about being three-time Golden Globe-winning actor, Jim Carrey. Because then I would be enough. It would finally be true. And I could stop this -- this terrible search. For what I know ultimately won't fulfill me. But these are important, these awards. I don't want you to think that just because if you blew up our solar system alone, you wouldn't be able to find us or any of human history with the naked eye, but from our perspective, this is huge. One more time, here are the nominees for best motion picture comedy."

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