J. Michael Luttig: Trump Colorado Ruling Is a ‘Masterful Judicial Opinion’; ‘It Is Unassailable and Irrefutable in Every Single Respect’

‘The Colorado Supreme Court yesterday decided the most consequential and pressing constitutional issue facing the country’


LUTTIG: “Thank you for having me with you this afternoon, Alicia. The Colorado Supreme Court yesterday decided the most consequential and pressing constitutional issue facing the country. Its decision will force the nation to decide does it believe in American democracy, its Constitution, and the rule of law. The Supreme Court of Colorado issued what I have characterized as a masterful judicial opinion. It is unassailable and irrefutable in every single respect. As your viewers already know, that court held that, first and importantly, that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does apply to presidents of the United States. The lower court had held that it did not. In that holding, the Supreme Court of Colorado held, first, that the presidency is an office under the United States.”

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