RFK Jr.: ‘I Don’t Recall’ Tweeting that NRA Is a Terrorist Group

‘If I did as I said, Sean, I don’t consider them a terror group’


KENNEDY JR.: "I support the Second Amendment, like I do all the amendments of the Constitution, and I'm not going to take people's — "
HANNITY: "I didn’t ask you if you support the Second Amendment. You called in 2018, you said, 'Parkland students are right, the NRA is a terror group.' Do you believe that?"
KENNEDY JR.: "I don’t consider the NRA a terror group."
HANNITY: "Do you regret tweeting that in 2018?"
KENNEDY JR.: "Well, I don’t recall tweeting it in 2018. But if I did, as I said, Sean, I don’t consider them a terror group and I support the Second Amendment."

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