Pirro: Student Loan Cancelation Is a Scam, It’s a Socialist Contract Between the Gov’t and Education

‘It’s almost like there’s this scam going on’


PIRRO: “It’s almost like there’s this scam going on where we are going to indoctrinate your kids. We are going to make sure your kids believe in socialism. It’s most like a socialist contact between the government and education. Then we are going to forgive the loan and the end for the people who are rich and don’t need it. If we have such a great economy, where we giving these people money? It’s not like they can’t go out and get a job. You want to give money away, give money to the veterans. Give money to the senior citizens who can’t afford to go out and get what they want. In the end, what they are doing. Joe Biden knows he’s unpopular with kids and young people.”

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