American Majority CEO Ryun: Dems ‘Wholly Intent on Destroying the American Way of Life’
RYUN: "Well, I think it’s very clear by their actions will the ruling classss of both parties could care less about promoting or protecting anything of the American people’s interests? In int so you not only have feckless Republican leaders, but you’ve got t the deeply d UN-American left. And by that I mean the Democratic Party that I think is wholly intent on destroying the American way as we know it because they hate it will and they think it’s evil. The ideaf of cheap energy, of national sovereignty, of fpatriotism, love of country,ig these are all backward and ignorant ideas, according to the left. And so since the dirty little peasants haven’t figured out what’s best for them, they will learn how to submitar as they’re being crushed into submission between inflation and taxes and either they submit to it t will or the American people areh going to actually figure out what this ruling class is doing to them and rise up and demand new leadership and hopefully very soon."