Planned Parenthood CEO: ‘We Are Going to Continue to Capture’ People’s Rage

‘We know that this decision is going to enrage people’


JOHNSON: “Look, we are, obviously, in conversation, right now, as we speak. The coalition, the Liberate Abortion coalition, is on line. They are strategizing about all ways, in which we are going to show up. We know that this decision is going to enrage people. We know. We've already seen what's happened, when people find out that - when they found out what was happening, in Texas, they started filling state houses, in Florida, they started filling state houses, in other places. Because they know that the fight right now, is on the ground, and in these States. And so, we're going to continue to capture that rage. And we're going to continue to make sure that they understand, who is accountable, right now.”

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