Tucker on Hillary Clinton Laughing at Gaddafi’s Death: It’s Obviously Psychotic Behaviour

‘That’s a human being who died on your orders and your laughing about it’


[clip starts]
HILLARY: "We came, we saw, he died. (Laughs)"
REPORTER: "Did it have anything to do with your visit?"
HILLARY: "I'm sure it did."
[clip ends]

CARLSON: "Imagine cackling like that when you talk about someone dying. Doesn’t matter who it is. Muammar Gaddafi? it doesn’t matter. That’s a human being who died on your orders and you're laughing about it. So that’s obviously psychotic behavior, obvious to most people. But if you point that out in public, her many failures, Hillary Clinton’s and the neocon foreign policy establishment more broadly, they have a response. It used to be maybe they were trying to defend what they did or explain why it was in America’s national interest. Now they just call you a traitor.”

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