Lemon Says Rules Have to Be Set for the Unvaccinated So They Can’t Work or Have a Driver’s License
LEMON: “That is true. In addition to, also. You have to have people speakling the truth. You can’t have them saying, I trust the science. And Jerome Adams talking about a right-wing conservative propaganda host saying no one get vaccines. I believe in the science. It’s up to you to get it. We can’t have mealy mouth people like that. You have to be more direct. More concerted effort to say get vaccinated. You’re not just killing yourself, you’re going to kill other people. That’s what you have to start telling people. If you don’t get vaccinated, you can’t come into this office or this place of business. If you don’t get vaccinated, you can’t come into this gym. If you don’t get vaccinated, you can’t get on to this airplane. That has nothing to do with freedom. Has nothing to do with liberty. You don’t have the freedom and the liberty to put other people in jeopardy.”