Trump: ‘I’m the Most Militaristic Person There Is’

‘I’d have the best military … nobody would mess with us’

BRZEZINSKI: “Good morning, Donald.”

TRUMP: “It's called vision. People have vision. (Laughter) Very few but some people have vision. Interestingly if you go back to 2004, take a look at the Reuters articles and it was actually before that even, but July of 2004 I am the most militaristic person there is. I would have the best military. Nobody would mess with us. You go back to 2004, July, and you will see a major, major article that Donald Trump said, don't go into Iraq because if you go into Iraq and if you decimate Iraq, you are going to lose the balance of the whole Middle East and I turned out to be right. So, you know, very few people can say that.”

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