Trump on Why There Are No Reports of His Iraq War Opposition: ‘I Wasn’t a Politician’

‘People didn’t write everything I said; I was a business person’

TODD: "Well, I want to for what it's worth politifact that has never been able to find, none of us have been able to find any instance where before the invasion you came out against this war. Why is that?"
TRUMP: "Well, I did it in 2003. I said it before -- don't forget, I wasn't a politician. So people didn't write everything I said. I was a business person. I was as they say world class business person. I built a great company. I employ thousands of people. So I'm not a politician, but if you look at 2003 there are articles, if you look at 2004, there are articles in fact I saw somebody commenting on it last night that trump really was against the war. I was against it -- look, I'm the most militaristic person, I'm going to build the military bigger, better, stronger, hopefully we'll never have to use it, but nobody's going to mess with us. But I will say this, the war in Iraq, it was a mistake. Anybody would have realized Iran and Iraq they used to fight. They'd go back, forth. Chuck, you destabilize the Middle East. I am the only one that call it. I was the only one that called it."

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