Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Critical Race Theory Is Bigoted, It Is a Lie and It Is Every Bit as Racist as the Klansman in White Sheets’

‘Those who would divide us, those who would spread lies, it is evil’


CRUZ: "Karl Marx viewed the entire world as a conflict between classes, between the owners of capital and the working men and women, the proletariat, a fundamental battle in society. Critical race theory takes that same Marxist concept except it replaces class with race. And it says, all of America and all of the world is a battle between the races. Critical race theory says every white person is a racist. Critical race theory says America is fundamentally racist and irredeemably racist. Critical race theory seeks to turn us against each other and if someone has a different color skin, seeks to make us hate that person. And let me tell you right now, critical race theory is bigoted, it is a lie and it is every bit as racist as the Klansmen in white sheets.”

(Via the Hill)

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