Dem Rep. Lee Blames Trump for Atlanta Shootings: ‘His Agenda Was Based on White Supremacy’

‘We have to remember hate speech leads to hate violence’


LEE: "It played a very terribly important role in this. When you say — use language like 'Kung flu', 'China virus', when you speak hate, we have to remember hate speech leads to hate violence. And listening to this type of hate for the last four years, it didn’t just start recently, has put the Asian Pacific American community at risk. And we’re now seeing this unfortunate backlash and unfortunate embracing of Donald Trump’s overall agenda. Remember, his agenda was based on white supremacy, and the roots of all of this are white supremacy. So we have to come together like we’re going to do on March 26 and say stop the hate, no more. Communities of color all around the country, every community, is coming together to say enough is enough, we’re going to stop this, and we’re not going to allow this to happen anymore in our country."

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