Eugene Robinson Unsuccessfully Attempts to Explain His Wife’s Artwork

Scarborough: ‘Avis Robinson is an incredible artist’

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SCARBOROUGH: "Tell us about the artwork behind you."
ROBINSON: "Oh, this is a — this piece of fabric art by my wife Avis Collins Robinson, who is an artist, and — and who is really good. (Laughs)"
BRZEZINSKI: "It’s beautiful."
SCARBOROUGH: "She is great. And I know that she had some shows set up before the pandemic and they have been rescheduled?"
ROBINSON: "They’re going to — you know, we’re trying to figure out — in New York, we’re trying to figure out when New York is coming back. Her gallery is now working on scheduling it. I think it could push into early '22. So I’ll keep you posted as to when that’s going to be happening."
SCARBOROUGH: "All right. Avis Robinson is an incredible artist."

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