CNN’s Tapper: Trump Trying to Make Up for Being Behind Biden By Spreading Nastiness, Disinformation and Coronavirus

‘The state of our union is shaking our heads in disbelief’


TAPPER: "Hello. I'm Jake Tapper in Washington, where the state of our union is shaking our heads in disbelief. There are just over two weeks until Election Day and President Trump seems to be attempting to make up for troubling numbers in the polls by spreading nastiness, disinformation and potentially, in his rallies, the coronavirus. Saturday, the President held two rallies in the swing states of Wisconsin and Michigan, both without required social distancing or masks, choosing to spend his time lobbing insults, including attacks against the Governor of Michigan, despite the domestic terrorist plot against her. Overshadowing the President's efforts, the devastating reality that the coronavirus is far from defeated. It is instead surging again in the United States. Friday, the U.S. recorded more than 70,000 new cases, the highest number in one day since July.”

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