Sen. Tom Cotton: Many of John Bolton’s Claims Are ‘Simply Implausible’

‘I haven’t read the book, I’ve seen some of the media excerpts on it’


COTTON: "I haven't read the book, I’ve seen some of that media excerpts on it, but no, I find many of the claims to be simply implausible. Let’s take one about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Mr. Bolton claims that Mike Pompeo passed him a note during a summit with President Trump and Kim Jong Un and that that handwritten note by Secretary Pompeo insulted the President. I find that to be completely implausible based on my personal relationship and years of history with Mike Pompeo. If it is the case, then Mr. Bolton could presumably produce that note in Mike Pompeo's handwriting since he is, as everyone knows, a very careful and methodical note taker and collector of information.”

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