Judge Jeanine: The Left Needs to ‘Stop the Guilt Bullying;’ Blasts ‘Pathetic Tyrant’ Gretchen Whitmer

‘Is this a socialist dream where there is no work left so we have to keep relying on the government?’

PIRRO:  "Hello, welcome to “Justice.” I’m judge Jeanine Pirro. Let’s get right to my open. It’s time for the emotional bull throig stop. The bullies on the left want you to think you don’t value every life because you know it’s time to re-open the economy. Theirs is a guilt-laced political argument with no integrity whatsoever. Don’t tell me if I want to go back to work and get off unemployment to care for my family and their future that I don’t care about other people’s lives. That’s hogwash. Stop the guilt bullying. Our patience is wearing thin. Lockdowns have a shelf life based on the medical necessity of whose at risk. We have done everything you told us. Sheltered in place, closed our businesses, socially distansd, scrubbed our hands and wore our masks. And like children we wait patiently and quietly for you to give us the okay to go outside and resume our lives.

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