Dr. Larry Brilliant: ‘Malaria I Had Was Less Troublesome than the Hydroxychloroquine,’ It’s a ‘Brutal Medicine’

‘It doesn’t work with Covid-19’


BRILLIANT: "I have personal experience. I lived in India and had malaria four times. I was treated with hydroxychloroquine. It’s a brutal disease. That’s a brutal medicine. The malaria I had was less troublesome than the hydroxychloroquine. I have to say it saves a lot of lives. With malaria. It doesn’t work with covid-19. The idea of promoting it over and over again has caused the drugstores to dry up. They don’t have hydroxychloroquine in store. People with lupus and other diseases when really need it and for which it is the proper prescription, can’t get it now. Once again I think that we have to be careful what we say."

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