Tim Scott on South Carolina Tornadoes: ‘We Certainly Need Your Prayers’

‘At the same time, we are balancing the Covid-19 virus and the outbreak’


SCOTT: "So, there are several counties that have been negatively impacted. Just imagine, on top of the COVID-19, to have tornadoes come in and a devastating factor. Seneca, near Lindsey Graham’s home, one person died. Berkeley County, where I live, we have devastation all over the place, hundreds of thousands of people without power. Three people died at least in Hampton County. And it sprinkled throughout going towards the coast and rural parts of rural South Carolina where it’s even more difficult to get aid at times. So we certainly need your prayers. I’m thankful that our governor has been all hands on deck and we are targeting the relief in the necessary way. At the same time, we are balancing the COVID-19 virus and the outbreak."

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