MSNBC’s Hayes: Pro-Gun Protesters Implicitly Say They’re Ready To Use Guns Against Law Enforcement

‘Law enforcement officials say they planned on attending the rally and they were in possession of a functioning automatic rifle’


HAYES: “Both of those efforts stalled. That didn’t stop 22,000 people from turning out in opposition to these laws. State officials were very concerned in the run-up to today’s rally, hoping to prevent a repeat of the 2017 Charlottesville confederate monument rally where a right-wing activist murdered a counterprotester. The good news is that no one got hurt today of no one discharged their weapon, the result of what appears to be good law enforcement work last week when the FBI nabbed several after another terrorist group. Law enforcement officials say they planned on attending the rally and they were in possession of a functioning automatic rifle. But the fact of this kind of event is that yes, it’s peaceful protest, First Amendment protected speech, but it’s heavily armed people marching. Don’t you dare enact your policies, if you do we will use these guns against you. Joining me now is will summer of the Daily Beast who was on the ground at that huge rally today and former head of the department of justice civil rights division in the Obama Administration. Let me start with you, L. What was the scene like today?”

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