John Heilemann: ‘I Guarantee’ Trump Will Get Another Country to Interfere in 2020 If He’s Not Impeached
‘Republicans right now, there is not a single one who will stand up and do anything about it or say anything about it’
HEILEMANN: “What is going to happen at the end of January when by all reasonable reckonings he is acquitted in the Senate? What is going to happen? What’s going to happen is Donald Trump is going to go and look for foreign interference again. I guarantee it. He is going to try to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 elections and it will be from someone that is aligned with Vladimir Putin. Those are as clear as the notion that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. And yet, Republicans right now, there is not a single one who will stand up and do anything about it or say anything about it. Why? I don’t know, because the Republican Party’s utterly bankrupt."
(h/t Mediaite)
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