Biden Gets Handsy with 10-Year-Old Girl: ‘I’ll Bet You’re as Bright as You Are Good-Looking’

‘I’m going to write you a longer answer and tell you the exact things I would do’

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Joe Biden’s political handlers were no doubt fretting Tuesday night as the former veep got handsy with another young girl.

Biden, whose 2020 presidential campaign got off to a rocky start following a series of allegations from women who say he touched them inappropriately, has struggled reining in his own behavior.

In his first public appearance after allegations surfaced, Biden told made light of the scandal. After hugging a young boy, Biden awkwardly told the crowd, “he gave me permission to touch him.” [Video]

Appearing Tuesday at a town hall event organized by the American Federation of Teachers, Biden’s first question came from a 10-year-old girl. As he was wrapping his response to her, he said, “I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good looking.”

When he asked what she wanted to do as a profession, the girl replied she wanted to work as a journalist. Biden then put his hands around her and shepherded her to the back of the room, where he continued to hold her while introducing her to the assembled reporters.

Biden promised the girl he would write her a letter to provide further insight into his thoughts. 

Watch the above clip to see the uncomfortable interaction.

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